Two Powerful Thoughts on Dreaming as a Leader

God is a god of big things. Submit yourself to His will. Seek Him for the big dreams He has for you, and remember the following. The first thought about dreaming: When I find myself against big life pressures, I stop dreaming. I forget how. I forget my prior beautiful dreams. Do you ever find […]

Quick Book Review: Raising a Modern-Day Knight by Robert Lewis

I have a five-year-old boy; and 1½-year-old twins, a boy and a girl. I have recently been intentional to read material about parenting, specifically on how to raise boys. If you have a boy, consider reading this Christian parenting book: Raising a Modern-Day Knight by Robert Lewis. Lewis shares how fathers have a unique role […]

Amazing Thought about Reading

If you have not read Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders, I highly recommend it. This is the kind of book I would reread often. There is a thought in it about reading that struck me recently. We should choose the books we read like we would choose who our friends are. Meaning, we have […]

Reject our Anti-God World

As a Christian leader, I call on you to reject the anti-God world of today. Why are we so against God if most of the world believes in a higher power? Check out this statistic from Wikipedia: “According to sociologists Ariela Keysar and Juhem Navarro-Rivera’s review of numerous global studies on atheism, there are 450 […]

How Well Do You Bear the Burden of Others?

If you follow my writing, chances are you are a follower and disciple of Christ (no problem if you are not). Likely, you are a Christian leader, one who leads in a different capacity (whether at home, a CEO, or a pastor). Likely, you are a church member. Here is a challenge for you as […]

A Podcast Recommendation for You

Brian Bartes is a super nice guy I met a few years ago. He has a phenomenal podcast, LifeExcellence with Brian Bartes, interviewing key people about success. I am so impressed by these interviews. They have challenged my thinking. For example, his last four interviews were with: Dean Karnazes, ultra marathon athlete—I love when Dean […]

Is Attitude a Choice?

One of the maxims I keep hearing is: attitude is a choice. Is it? Is it as simple as a hard-nosed decision? Can you sternly scold yourself into adopting a good attitude? Can you have a good attitude if you only slept two hours the previous night? Can you have a good attitude when you […]

Do you Read or Study the Bible?

I grew up in the Christian church in a devout conservative family. I was advised from an early age: “Read the Bible.” But many times when I read the Bible, quite honestly, it got boring. So I would force myself to read it. Still, I often found it to be a chore. I recently met […]

What are Your Five Strengths?

If you have not taken a StrengthsFinder test, I recommend it. Upon completion of the test, you will receive your top five scores with an explanation for each strength. Here are mine: 1. Strategic 2. Learner 3. Input 4. Individualization 5. Achiever When you know your strengths, you can start directing your life to align […]

What are Your Five Daily Habits?

Staying with the theme from yesterday of five areas for growth, here is my next question for you. What are five habits you do daily? Mine are: 1. Read 2. File thoughts and quotes 3. Growth time 4. Time with God 5. Physical exercise I do other things of course, like eat, spend time with […]