I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs. Sign up to receive my leadership articles and videos every weekday.

The Most Difficult Aspect of Leadership: People

Most people who write and speak about leadership paint a picture of the leader and the people as a beautiful symphony of love and passion. That may be true?10% of the time! The rest of the time, a leader has to deal with people issues, at least with one person on the team, sometimes a […]

3 Traits You Need When You Want to Give Up

Here they are: ?Passion, Purpose, and Discipline. You’ve been there, right? ?Those desperate times when you want to give up? ?These three areas will help you stay in the fight (they help me!). Passion gives you fire. Purpose gives you direction. Discipline gives you focus. Anytime I push myself outside of my comfort zone, things […]

What is GREAT Leadership?

A leader is a person who has commanding authority or influence ? at least that is what Meriam-Webster says. But what is GREAT leadership? It is when people follow you? [unordered_list style=’circle’ number_type=’circle_number’ animate=’no’ font_weight=’regular’] Because they want to, not because they have to. Because they love you, not because they fear you. Because they […]

POWER BOOK: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

[blockquote text=’POWER BOOK is an Aspire blog that features a life changing book. Amanda Scott, an Aspire managing partner, has extensive leadership experience and in this blog features The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.? Thank you for sharing, Amanda! – Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ line_height=’undefined’ background_color=’#aaaaaa’ border_color=’#dba400′ show_quote_icon=’no’ quote_icon_color=’#dba400′]   […]

Do You Trust Your People?

[blockquote text=’This post is written by guest blogger, Andria Bicknell.? Andria has great leadership experience in ministry, business and at home.? Andria is also an accomplished and gifted writer.? Enjoy this blog! – Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ line_height=’undefined’ background_color=’#aaaaaa’ border_color=’#dba400′ show_quote_icon=’no’ quote_icon_color=’#dba400′]   As a leader, are you developing trust with your people? ?Do […]

30 Seconds That Will Change Your Life

What if I gave you a secret that would allow you to do the things that you really want to (and really need to) do but always put off until later? I will. It is a simple little time management trick?and you can start doing it right now! Regardless how successful, accomplished, disciplined or focused […]

People’s Birthdays Matter

How are you at remembering birthdays? ?As silly as it may seem, I like it when people to remember mine.? I don?t think I have admitted it before, but I think it makes me feel special and valued. If you give me a handwritten card to say how much I mean to you?wow, as long […]

Why Compassion is Key to Great Leadership

It is imperative that your people know and feel your genuine compassion toward them ? all the time?if you want to excel in leadership! Let me share with you why? Compassion in leadership simply says: ?I care about your wellbeing! And that caring is bathed in thoughts, words and actions that clearly and consistently demonstrate […]

The Moment Before the Jump

So, I survived. ?The will I wrote will not be executed! As the plane was making its way up into the air, being the thinker that I am, I considered how what I was about to do is similar to other things I am scared to do in my life. ?There are many times in […]

I Will Jump Out of an Airplane Today

I am going skydiving in two hours – for the first time. ?I just hung up the phone with my brother, who asked me to write my will. I have been Googling ?how to write a will in Texas? for the last twenty minutes. Six months ago my cousin Andrew told me that he has […]

The “I Don’t Know” Principle

I recently heard an interview with Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, by Charlie Rose.? His insight into humility in leadership made me reach for my remote control and hit rewind. I want to share it with you. Question by Charlie Rose:?What is the most important lesson you have learned in the last ten […]

Improving Our Strengths or Weaknesses?

Your strengths are like the gas pedal of a car, the more you press it the farther you go.? Similarly, the more we are living in and improving our strengths, the farther we go in life. But be careful! If growing and using your strengths is like pressing the gas pedal, your weaknesses are like […]
I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs.
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