I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs. Sign up to receive my leadership articles and videos every weekday.

My Patient with an Artificial Heart

I met him about 6 months ago.? He is 25, 6?2?, Caucasian. ?He holds a machine in his pocket about three times the size of a remote control.? Without it, his heart would stop. ?Literally. As he walks into my office, he is always mildly sweating because his heart struggles to pump and his adrenal […]

Thank You for Reading My Blog – Here’s what?s new!

For those of you who faithfully visit Aspire?s blog ? I want to say thank you.? Thank you for your trust. ?I do not take that lightly. I also want to quickly update you on the latest project that we?ll be launching soon ? a leadership podcast I will host. Today I celebrate seven months […]

Don?t Find Faults, Find Fixes

Have you ever been on teams where everyone is only discussing the problems?? Where the air becomes toxic, negative and repulsing to any proactive, positive force? That?s when a culture of blame and pointing fingers is created? When I insist against discussing problems on my teams, I often get this question:? ?How can we find […]

Poetry Matters

Yesterday was World Poetry Day ? dedicated in 1999 by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Culture Organization). Why does poetry matter? Why does art, music, theater, or literature matter? Like some of you, as a goal-oriented, task-driven individual, I struggled with the answer to this question.? Now I am finding the answer. These right-brain […]

How Others Can Take You To The Stratosphere

I am writing this blog from 30,000 feet in the sky, while listening to Beethoven?s beautiful third movement of the Moonlight Piano Sonata ? the presto agitato.? Looking out of my window I see a beautiful canopy of white fluffy clouds that span forward to the long horizon. I have a smile on my face, […]

We Need Leaders – Not Politicians

Many disparage politicians and cast them to a lot unworthy of high respect and esteem. ?I disagree.? I think public service of any form is an honorable profession. Those who should be regarded with disdain however, are politicians who don?t go beyond politicking ? those who don?t cross the bridge to leading!? Tragically though, we […]

Lead Like A General (The US Army?s Nine Principles of War)

War is a time when leadership matters!? It is a time when lives are at stake. And in your life and mine ? I believe that leadership also absolutely matters.? While people may not die because of our failure to lead well, many will undoubtedly suffer. So what can we learn from great leadership in […]

People Will Hurt You ? Keep Them Close Anyway

Sometimes you invest in people for a long time ? you love them, nurture them, give them opportunities – the best way you know how.? Then they leave you, hurt you, or don?t rise up to your expectations ? they simply fail you, or even betray you. Getting close to people when you are in […]

A “Must See” TV Show for Leaders

There is only one show I have found that transcends the depressing ratings-driven TV programming. ?It is a show that offers viewers a truly engaging and thought provoking look into the inner workings of the most interesting leaders from around the world. You guessed it?it?s the Charlie Rose show. For several years now, I have […]

POWER BOOK: You Have to Say the Words

[blockquote text=’POWER BOOK is an Aspire blog that features a life changing book. Amanda Scott, an Aspire managing partner, has extensive leadership experience and in this blog features?You Have to Say the Words by Kathy Ryan. Thank you for sharing, Amanda! – Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ line_height=’undefined’ background_color=’#aaaaaa’ border_color=’#dba400′ show_quote_icon=’no’ quote_icon_color=’#dba400′]   As a […]

Think Big, Act Bold

I encourage you today to put timidity and fear aside and ask yourself two questions about your life, plans, and vision. [unordered_list style=’number’ number_type=’circle_number’ animate=’no’ font_weight=’regular’] Am I thinking big? Am I acting bold?[/unordered_list] Ask these questions today and ask them often. ?And when you find that you are not, change course.? Your world desperately […]

Worn Out as a Leader? Healthy Heart = Healthy Life

As a leader, you are always dreaming and pushing ? and if you are like me, often cracking under the weight of responsibility you put on yourself. Ambitious tendencies often get in the way of an immensely important area that you should never ignore ? the condition of your heart. ?Having a healthy heart should […]
I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs.
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