Who Speaks Hard Truths to You?

In the last six months, how many instances has someone in your life given you feedback that felt like a punch in the gut? And what was their comment?

If you cannot tell me, then you may be missing a key component in your life of leadership.

I find it rare for people to give their superiors hard feedback, at least on a regular basis. In my life, those reporting to me definitely keep me on the straight and narrow, and when I err big time, they check me. However, while their feedback is invaluable, it is many times colored by the close relationship we share and often impacted by the same blind spots I have because we have travelled along the same road in together.

In my life the people who give me gut-punching feedback on a more regular basis—the kind that hurts but then makes me thankful someone said it to me—are a compilation of close family members, mentors, and advisors. These tend to be long-standing relationships, in which the person giving me feedback feels they have the freedom to speak hard truths to me.

If you truly want to become a more effective leader, position around you a group of mature people who love you, who will push on you on a regular basis. And when they do, welcome their feedback.

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