Real Reasons Unity is a Must

In yesterday’s article, I encouraged you to rate the level of unity in different spheres of your life, and that is the first step. Before you can devote yourself to maximum unity in any area of importance, you must be willing to do the hard work of any leader to create and protect unity.

Below, I present real results that unity produces versus the aftermath of division—in any team, family, or organization. If we want the results of unity, then let’s jump in and do what we must to create it.

Unity produces strength and resilience.
Division leads to weakness and vulnerability.

Unity produces peace and cooperation.
Division leads to chaos and discord.

Unity produces trust and understanding.
Division leads to suspicion and misunderstanding.

Unity produces synergy and innovation.
Division leads to fragmentation and regression.

Unity produces growth and development.
Division leads to decay and decline.

Unity produces hope and optimism.
Division leads to despair and pessimism.

Unity produces positive change and transformation.
Division leads to status quo and resistance to change.

Unity produces community and belonging.
Division leads to alienation and estrangement.

Unity produces love and spectacular action.
Division leads to hurt and dismal inaction.

The last on the list is a solid description of what unity can do for a team compared to how division destroys. Love and action, not hurt and inaction. When there is unity, people feel loved, supported, secure, listened to, understood, validated, encouraged, and resilient. People laugh more. They fight together—and in the same direction.

Just looking at the benefits above makes it clear that it is our job as leaders is to actively pursue unity, maximum unity, all the time. The unity we create will be constantly under attack. I’ll explore the risks to unity on our teams in the article that follows. Stay tuned.

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