In Pursuit of Humility: No One Can See Truth

Anything anyone says can be false. In this article, I want to get a bit philosophical, but draw an important, practical conclusion.

Aren’t you tired of so many people pontificating every time you turn on the TV or scroll through social media? So many people know. So many people are sure of the way, of truth. It is tiring. Well, let me set a few things straight.

No human sees the full truth all the time. If this statement is true, then we can draw this conclusion: Anything anyone says can be false. Meaning, when anyone opens their mouth to speak, they have a significant potential for error.

You may wonder, Wes, how about what you are writing? Does it then contain error? Absolutely. I am human, therefore what I speak is the best version of truth I see at the time. By definition, therefore, my thoughts will contain error.

My theology professor explained it well in the context of spiritual matters, but I think it applies to all of life if you have a Christian worldview. He said that revelation, which is defined as what God communicates (ex: scripture), has no error. On the other hand, our theology, which is our interpretation of revelation, can and does have error because it is filtered through our minds, which are full of biases and colored by our personal experiences to then interpret revelation.

Even the most revered sages and scholars are not immune to error. Their insights, though profound, are filtered through the lenses of their own experiences and interpretations.

How is this applicable to our daily pursuit of leadership excellence? You and I must exercise humility in what we believe to be true. Everything we know may not be the full truth, or could even be fully untrue. So, we must always listen fully, re-examine, and learn with the willingness to unlearn. Also, we must have a good measure of doubt and curiosity about anything any person says, especially the wise teacher whom we tend to rarely question.

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