I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs. Sign up to receive my leadership articles and videos every weekday.

The Writer-Editor Relationship

The following is a guest post from my editor of 12 years, Andria Flores, published author, writer, and all-around awesome human. As a Christian leader, I hope you are always honing your writing and communication skills. Here, Andria offers some powerful principles to follow in a writer-editor relationship. Thank you, Dr. Wes. It’s an honor […]

Five Principles To Follow During Transitions and Endings

Here are five impeccable practices to keep in mind as you navigate endings or transitions in business relationships. Honor people and protect relationships. Make honoring people your anthem, your banner, the story of your life—not because it’s ideal for getting best results as a leader. Rather, honor people because it is a value you choose […]

The Concept of Seasons

This morning as I started writing this article, I happened to be working from my home office. My wife Joanne was about to take our 5½-year-old son Danny to school. She was also getting our two German Shepherds in our Suburban to take them to doggie daycare. When I stopped my work and went outside, […]

Necessary Endings

As I revealed recently, my friend and editor, Andria Flores, is transitioning out of our team. It’s on my heart and mind, so with her permission I’m writing a few articles to our leadership community as I reflect on necessary endings and how leaders can navigate them in a healthy way. I met psychologist Dr. […]

A Message of Gratitude

After 12 years of working together, my dear friend and editor, Andria Flores is leaving my writing team to focus on her business as a freelance editor and writer. I want to publicly thank Andria for her friendship and for taking me from a baby writer to where I am today, for being there on […]

Missiology: From Entry to Church Planting

This is the third article in a three-part series about the church. The first one is entitled: “What Is Your Role in the Church?” And the second article is: “What If You Have Been Hurt by the Church?” Missiology is a word I learned at seminary. It is the study of missions. It is a […]

What If You’ve Been Hurt by the Church?

This is the second article in a three-part series about the church. The first one is entitled, “What Is Your Role in the Church?” I play the piano with the worship team at our church. I sometimes lead worship. I am currently the chairman of the deacons. I am highly involved in our church ministry, […]

What Is Your Role in Your Church?

Hello friend! As you may have seen mention of—exciting things are happening at WesMD. Our team is working tirelessly to deliver impactful content for Christian leaders and entrepreneurs each week in the most effective format possible. I appreciate your patience as we try new techniques designed to customize the user experience. For now, please continue […]

Breaking Through Your Growth Lid

How does one improve in areas that are important to them? Here is a practical overview. Decide what you want to improve. Begin by writing down three to five areas. Then, recognize that there are two critical ingredients without which you will not get better. They are time and intention. Time. Without daily or near […]

Competitive Advantage Is Not the Key to Success

When I started down the path of my business and leadership journey, I learned the concept of competitive advantage. How are you better than your competitors? The theory goes that if you highlight your competitive advantages, then customers will be drawn to you over your competitors. While it is true that consumers look for organizations […]

Being Reactive Does Not Indicate You Are Passionate

One of the hardest lessons of leadership is to learn not to be reactive. Dare I say, never to be reactive. Anytime I see a leader react, allowing their emotions to take control, even momentarily, and even if they apologize and change course, they appear less trustworthy and capable. Why do I say this is […]

You Must Get These Two Ingredients Right As a Leader

A few weeks ago I prepared to chair an important meeting for a big board I am on. There were several hot topics I added to the agenda, and quite honestly, I was a bit anxious about how the meetings would go. After I prepared and talked to leaders of the organization and few members […]
I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs.
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