POWER BOOK: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
[blockquote text=’POWER BOOK is an Aspire blog that features a life changing book. Amanda Scott, an Aspire managing partner, has extensive leadership experience and in this blog features The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.? Thank you for sharing, Amanda! – Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ line_height=’undefined’ background_color=’#aaaaaa’ border_color=’#dba400′ show_quote_icon=’no’ quote_icon_color=’#dba400′] […]
How To Have A Happy New Year!
[blockquote text=’Rev. Peter Rahme is the author of the book The Man and The Story Behind Amazing Grace. ? He is also the founder and senior pastor at ?Inner West Baptist Church?in Sydney, Australia. ? His Facebook inspirational posts are followed by thousands around the world. ?He is a founding partner at Aspire and has […]
Create Your Growth Plan Part 2: Book Reading
So you have decided to create a growth plan. Where do you start? A book reading plan! Being exposed to new principles and ideas from books is indispensable if you want to be intentional about your personal development. Authors often spend years researching and documenting their best thoughts and ideas about areas they have wrestled […]
Create Your Growth Plan? Part 1: An Overview
Do you have a growth plan for your personal development? Is it written, specific and measurable? Your success as a professional, spouse, parent, leader, politician, pastor, team member – or whatever your role in life may be – does not primarily depend on your technical knowledge and skills or what you learned from school. My success […]
Bad Attitude, You’re Fired! (Part I)
Having a bad attitude, or allowing a culture of bad attitudes, will kill our teams.? Period. Bad attitudes may be tolerated in your team, your church, your organization or your family.? Let us pledge to root?them out! You know the person with a bad attitude… They hardly smile, are?quick to complain, talk about others, gossip […]
Habits! How To Make Them And Break Them (PART II)
The fact that an astronaut can make a space walk with relative ease just because she repeated that sequence many times on earth is a powerful concept!? It can change our lives. (Please refer to Part I which goes over the basics of habits.) IV. ?FOR HABITS TO BE ?AUTOMATIC,? MINIMAL OR NO CHANGES CAN […]
Habits! How To Make Them And Break Them (PART I)
Habits are imprinted on our brain almost like a tattoo on the skin. ?We can make new ones, but it is hard to remove the old ones! ?Let me share with you what I have learned about habits, and how we can master them so we can master our lives. (Part I of this series […]
Focus On What (not How)
Don?t limit your dreams to things you know how to get to!? The ?how? will reveal itself, when you can clearly answer, “What do I want get to?” ? The clearer you see the ?what,? the faster the ?how? will come! I recently listened to an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger by Piers Morgan on CNN.? […]
The Most Crucial Step Of Growth
It is immersive and aggressive experiences that cause us to leap to the next step. What experiences contribute most to developing leadership to you? They are those in which you have to perform! No ifs, ands or buts! Experiences where you cannot rely or depend on anyone else to make the tough calls and the crucial decisions of a leader. […]