How to Push Without Being Pushy

If you are in my circle of influence you can expect one thing for certain: I will push you. Push you to grow and to expand your limits. I believe leaders should push others intentionally and aggressively. And they should push kindly and respectfully. ?Sometimes I fail at that. Sometimes I push too much, other […]

Do You Enlarge Others?

Great leaders see greatness in the people around them! ?They seize every opportunity to enlarge others. Leaders should be preoccupied with the thought: What can I say or do to make this person bigger? Bigger. What do I mean by aiming to make people?bigger? I mean, always asking what I can contribute to this person […]

Many Hear, Some Learn, Few Change

On the journey of personal development, it is very tempting to become a scholar, a person well-versed in theories, but lacking the will or ability to put them into practice. In the areas that count the most, we must grow from merely being an astute learner to an experienced practitioner. Let me show you how. Many […]

Is Venting Really a Good Idea?

Someone or something really frustrates you. But your immediate response is to say nothing. On the inside, however, you are thinking, how can this be? It happens again and again. For whatever reason, you continue to withhold a response. And then one of your closest friends walks into your office. It has become unbearable. So […]

How to Capture Life-Changing Principles

A lot of people read with a pen or highlighter in hand. We eagerly mark what touches us. We finish the book and have a sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, we typically recall a negligible fraction of what we read or mark. We forget the rest, even those ideas or thoughts that gave us an ah-ha […]

Leadership Lesson from a Sandcastle

I never knew you could take lessons to build sandcastles. But that?s exactly what I participated in on a recent family trip to South Padre Island. As I listened to the amiable Australian instructor relay sandcastle building techniques, one of them stood out. You build a castle from the top down. Always. My seven nieces […]

The Moments We Must Stand Alone

We walk through life with the people we love. We bring them along. They uphold us when we are weak. They carry us when we can?t go on anymore. They are there with us. Except in the moments we must stand alone. In these moments of truth, do we have the courage to stand on […]

10 Point Leadership Diagnostic Tool

When patients come into my clinic with a medical complaint, I go through a mental checklist to diagnose their condition and provide treatment. If a 55-year-old male, who is a smoker with high blood pressure and diabetes, comes in with a complaint of chest pain, I first rule out a heart condition, then lung disease, […]

4 Reasons Why Leaders Should Write

Leadership is a mission of the heart. It is a love story between a leader, her people, and a dream. Moreover, leadership is a journey of discovery. Self-discovery first and foremost. And second, a discovery of human nature and its intricate facets and shades. Leadership requires dedication to create a dream, convey a vision, simplify […]

How Daring Have You Been?

At the end of June of this year, during my 2014 mid-year self-review, I uncovered something interesting. I had listed every activity, decision, or notable occurrence that had happened in the last six months. I listed people I met with, mentors I talked to, trips I took, and activities at work, among others. There were […]