Bad Attitude, You’re Fired! (Part II)

Why do so many teams have people with bad attitudes? Because leaders allow it! They tolerate it in the name of “patience” or “being understanding.” They think that it is a normal part of a team. Big mistake! As a leader, I want you to know the following:[unordered_list style=’number’ number_type=’circle_number’ animate=’no’ font_weight=’regular’] A bad attitude […]

Habits! How To Make Them And Break Them (PART II)

The fact that an astronaut can make a space walk with relative ease just because she repeated that sequence many times on earth is a powerful concept!? It can change our lives. (Please refer to Part I which goes over the basics of habits.) IV. ?FOR HABITS TO BE ?AUTOMATIC,? MINIMAL OR NO CHANGES CAN […]

Habits! How To Make Them And Break Them (PART I)

Habits are imprinted on our brain almost like a tattoo on the skin. ?We can make new ones, but it is hard to remove the old ones! ?Let me share with you what I have learned about habits, and how we can master them so we can master our lives. (Part I of this series […]