What are Your Five Areas for Growth?

Hi, friends. For the next season, I will be sending thoughts daily or several times per week from Monday to Friday. I hope these will benefit and challenge your leadership. If you’d like to learn about my writing, click here. Okay, so here is today’s thought: What are five areas you’d like to see growth? […]

What is a DNA Vision?

Most define where they want to go. Few determine who they want to be. It is from who we are that great dreams are born and destinations are realized. In a more purist view, it matters less where we go, but who we are. For what does it matter if we go to amazing places […]

How to Show Up as a Leader

When you show up, don’t just aim to spill information—dull, tiresome, hum-drum noise. Information is merely the crumbs of leadership, scattered. Rather, through words, like hidden gems, oozing like sap from a tree, purpose to move the hearts of people. Each time you speak, each time you are present, be a blazing fire, a gushing […]

Why Growing Companies Must Examine Their Systems

A blind spot in organizational growth is a lack of updated systems. When an organization grows, existing systems may no longer support the organization’s size or operations, so updating and improving systems is imperative. It is natural to be excited about the growth itself. Mature leaders also know that the mundane process of creating new […]

A Method for Time Management

The insightful time management thought leader Peter Drucker says, “Nothing else distinguishes effective executives as much as their tender loving care of time.” We must remember this powerful principle and make it our life-long goal to grow in managing time effectively. In this article, I want to share one powerful principle with you regarding time […]

Three Principles for Mentoring Others

Recently, I met with a young professional who asked me to mentor him. John is 25 and dreams of running his own non-profit ministry. We met at Starbucks, and he came prepared with a notebook full of questions. In the hour we spent together I did my best to offer him personal insight and wisdom […]

Five Battles Leaders Must Win

To win in leadership, the weapon to hold onto is you alone—reflecting and planning how to win your own internal battles on a consistent basis. It is so hard to slow down. Please consider though, can you block one hour to do nothing but think? I am challenging you today to look at your calendar […]

How to Keep Excitement High

I recently learned a leadership lesson: Excitement has a shelf life. We know this from our childhoods. However, as leaders when we make an exciting and engaging move within our organizations, we sit on it for a long time then wonder why it stopped working for us and our people. As children we get so […]

Don’t Forget to Say Thank You

Between 2019 and 2022 our organization grew rapidly. The wonderful leaders who led our expansion were so capable that, with the exception of offering my strategy and support together with our senior executives, they really didn’t need me. Even though our leaders did the heavy lifting and impressively carried the project through to completion, I […]

Three Things to Tell God

What I Learned from My Three-Year-Old about Talking to God About my writing: My passion is to develop leaders who have eternity in mind with Jesus as their guide. To that end, I write about two topics. The first is leadership and character development. The second is Biblical principles through the lens of a leader. […]