The Beauty of Inward Success: A Prayer for Transformation

How do you rate yourself with outward success? Your balance sheet, the value of your assets,  your position, your influence, your status, your place in society, or even your family. Give yourself a number from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most outwardly successful you can be. Now, how do you rate yourself with […]

How Initiating Sets You Apart

Leaders initiate. At home. At work. In life. Men and women can be equally formidable leaders in any setting in society. In a healthy marriage, women look to men for leadership, even when a woman is a better leader. As much as society today fights against the male leadership role at home in the name […]

The Energizing Pause: How Rest Fuels Effective Leadership

Great leaders are not only known for their hard work but also for their intentional and vigorous rest. How can rest be vigorous? Rest must not only be specific to what fills us and rests our mind, it must be, at least sometimes, invigorating, forcing our thoughts away from the stressors and whirlwind of our […]

Go from Cursory Knowledge to Inculcated Wisdom

Imagine you are thirsty and craving a soft drink you occasionally like to have. You fill up a large glass with crushed ice, pop open your can of soda, and begin to pour. What do you see? The liquid slowly seeps into every crook and cranny, filling every tiny space between the pieces of ice […]

The Principle of Sowing [Video]

One definition of sowing is to deposit small nuggets of truth into the consciousness of others. Please press play to watch a brief video from Dr. Wes Saade about The Principle of Sowing. About My Writing

Are You Growing Your Owners Board or Board of Directors?

In the organization in which you lead, who are the owners or the board of directors? It may be you, you may report to them, or you may be further down the chain. Whomever is in authority is key to the success of the organization. If this is you, or if you have a connection […]

What Fires Up Your Soul?

As a Christian leader, I hope being a vessel in God’s hands is your ultimate goal in life, what fires up your soul. It is so easy to be seduced by the world, especially as one matures as a leader. I remember early in my journey, as I started learning and honing my leadership skills, […]

Leap of Faith or Calculated Risk: Which Type of Leader are You?

You are a passionate leader, a person with an entrepreneurial spirit, ready to risk and jump forward when the time is right. But which opportunities are worth the plunge? Here are two different types of leaders and how they view and interact with opportunities. These lie at the end of two extremes. You may fall […]

7 Steps of Learning [VIDEO]

Allow me to share my proven method for learning in seven steps I have applied over and over again in my personal and professional growth. Press play to follow along in this brief video. About My Writing