Hi, friends. For the next season, I will be sending thoughts daily or several times per week from Monday to Friday. I hope these will benefit and challenge your leadership. If you’d like to learn about my writing, click here.
Okay, so here is today’s thought: What are five areas you’d like to see growth? Mine are:
1. Spiritual
2. Leadership
3. Marriage
4. Parenting
5. Health
Defining your personal areas of interest will alert you to opportunities for growth, cause you to notice potential mentors, and keep you focused to produce measurable results.
Take five minutes to write down your five. It could be three or seven (or any other number), but I think three to five is an ideal list to manage because it gives you reasonable time to execute a plan to work on them. Once you choose your areas, record them in a computer document (or your phone, or notebook). I put mine in a document I call “Growth Plan.” This is a space I recommend tracking our thoughts and what we are learning, so we can refine them and review them.
Here is a list from which to choose your three to five areas for growth. Or you can add your own.
1. Finances
2. Relationships
3. Health
4. Business
5. Leadership
6. Spiritual
7. Emotions
8. Marriage
9. Grace / Kindness
10. Professional / Career
11. Public Speaking
12. Communication
13. Time Management
14. Priorities