Values of a Great Team: SERVE

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing team members serve one another?everyone doing their utmost for the rest. But sometimes it is difficult to understand and explain what it really means to serve. Allow?me to share some thoughts about the meaning and practice of serving others. The concept of service as it relates?to great leadership […]

Leadership Lesson from a Music Conductor

An Italian musician from Naples, Riccardo Muti is one of the world?s greatest conductors. At 73, as the Director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Muti has accrued decades of world-renowned performances and recordings. In a recent interview, he talked about the essence of being a conductor. What he expressed captures the very heart of leadership. […]

How Do You Gain the Trust of Your Team?

[blockquote text=’This is a guest post by Stephanie LeBlanc. Stephanie is the practice administrator at TotalCare Hulen in Fort Worth, Texas. She also holds other leadership positions including president of her accounting firm, as well as Project Connect Texas, a?non-profit organization she founded to serve the Dallas/Fort Worth community. – Wes Saade, M.D.‘ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ […]

Values of a Great Team: FUN

Recently, a sales rep brought a jar of grapes as a gift of appreciation for our clinic staff. At the end of the day, we had a great time tossing grapes like softballs for others to catch by mouth. We laughed, got moving, and simply had a good time. Yes, I work in a medical […]

Always Growing; Always Giving

As leaders, we carry a heavy responsibility to forge a path in life for ourselves and for those who make the journey with us. And we can lose our bearing if we are not careful. In all our efforts, life can quickly become about getting, about doing, and about achieving. But the best of us […]

People Are Shouting “Help Me”…Will You?

A few months ago, my sweet six year-old niece fell face down on top of a large cactus with full grown spikes. She could not get up. All the kids were playing in an open field during a family picnic. I heard her screaming from a distance, but I thought the kids were just playing […]

How to Revolutionize Your One-on-One Meetings: Align

If you have been following the three-step process in the last two blogs for revolutionizing your one-on-one meetings, then you have listened?well; you have built?genuinely; now it?s time to align. Align means that we harmonize our potentially different expectations and values, and agree to come together as one. You?ll remember from step one,?Listen, that the […]

How to Revolutionize Your One-on-One Meetings: Build

Build is the second step of the three-step process that will revolutionize one-on-one meetings with your people. The first step is Listen, which I discussed in the last article. The third step is Align?which I will discuss in my next article. Great leaders build people. ?And what better way to build others up than during […]

How to Revolutionize Your One-on-One Meetings: Listen

I want to share a three-step process that I know will transform your one-on-one meetings with your people, and thus?revolutionize your leadership. The steps are: Listen, Build, and Align. If you perform these steps consistently in every meeting with those you work with, I know the effectiveness of your leadership will skyrocket. In my recent […]

What Spilled Coffee Taught Us About Teamwork

Krystal is one of the newest members of our nursing team. She loves coffee. I mean, she really loves coffee. It makes her smile, jump, and just be happy. A few weeks ago, she was walking into the clinic holding her Venti Mocha with whipped cream. She had decided to not even take a sip […]