People Are Shouting “Help Me”…Will You?

A few months ago, my sweet six year-old niece fell face down on top of a large cactus with full grown spikes. She could not get up. All the kids were playing in an open field during a family picnic. I heard her screaming from a distance, but I thought the kids were just playing […]

How to Handle a Bad Google Review

Our clinic recently received a terrible review on Google. I had just gotten settled on a plane, when I opened Google to check our reviews, and there it was. I instinctively took a cue from an experience I had with Amazon in the past. I took the complaint seriously and addressed it swiftly, without excuses. […]

How to Revolutionize Your One-on-One Meetings: Align

If you have been following the three-step process in the last two blogs for revolutionizing your one-on-one meetings, then you have listened?well; you have built?genuinely; now it?s time to align. Align means that we harmonize our potentially different expectations and values, and agree to come together as one. You?ll remember from step one,?Listen, that the […]

How to Revolutionize Your One-on-One Meetings: Build

Build is the second step of the three-step process that will revolutionize one-on-one meetings with your people. The first step is Listen, which I discussed in the last article. The third step is Align?which I will discuss in my next article. Great leaders build people. ?And what better way to build others up than during […]

How to Revolutionize Your One-on-One Meetings: Listen

I want to share a three-step process that I know will transform your one-on-one meetings with your people, and thus?revolutionize your leadership. The steps are: Listen, Build, and Align. If you perform these steps consistently in every meeting with those you work with, I know the effectiveness of your leadership will skyrocket. In my recent […]

How to Say Anything Honestly, But Gently

One mark of a seasoned leader is gentleness. A gentle leader demonstrates he has learned how to communicate exactly what needs to be said, even harsh truths, with kindness. ?These leaders practice one of the most important lessons of leadership, as expressed by President Lincoln: [blockquote text=’The strongest force on earth is gentleness. – Abraham […]

The Key to Find Meaning in Your Work Again

You may be exhausted, emotionally drained, and overworked. Maybe you feel like your work is monotonous, even meaningless, or you are tired of just being a robot, with no end in sight to the mundane tasks before you. You no longer have the energy or the interest to just do work in order to gain […]

Listen with Your Heart, Not Your Ears

Listening well is not the ability to focus on what is being said. Listening well is a reflection of our maturity as human beings. Only when we mature our spirits, do we truly hear. And that begins when you listen with your heart, not your ears. Listening is an issue of the heart. In my […]

When Feelings Get Hurt

I recently offended someone on my team. And that made me feel bad. I was wrong. What was more humbling was that I had no idea that I had offended that person. In this article, I want to share with you how hurt feelings should be handled on a team?by both the offender and the […]

Mis Hijos

In my last post, I shared about the orphaned children who touched my life during a recent trip to Guatemala with Buckner International. While we were there, I was privileged to sit in on a special meeting to address the situation, where?I witnessed excellent?leadership in action. The meeting was with the?Minister of Social Welfare of […]