When Everyone Knows You Are Angry, But You

It is sad and somewhat comical. Someone gets really livid. But when challenged about why they are so upset, they snap?right back, ?I am not angry!? When everyone knows you are angry except you, you’ve got problems. I want to talk to you today about how to control our emotions. We Must Be Aware of […]

Blocking Time to Think

When was the last time you blocked two hours just for thinking? Not to take care of the urgent, but the important. Not passive daydreaming, but active, intensive thinking about the big picture for your?organization. Time to answer important questions like what’s next,?or how do we get there,?or?why are we doing what we’re doing??It may […]

Stop Whining, Start Fighting

Life is a fight. At?times I find myself grumbling or whining. Not usually to anyone else, but to myself. I rarely even realize I am doing it. It is a subconscious hum…?Why am I doing this?? ?Why is this not working?? ?I am so tired and run down.? ?I wish I was just lying on […]

My Morning and Evening Routines

The word routine used to bother me. Now, it?s music to my ears. Routines harness the immense power of habits?and lead us to success. The specifics of my daily practices will most likely not be something you want to replicate into your own life. Rather, my goal is?to convey the principles that support what I […]

How to Go From Notes to Growth

As I mentioned in my last blog, I recently attended a conference called Ransomed Heart, a gathering of about 600 men around a book called Wild at Heart, by John Eldredge. Many were taking notes, including myself. But I wondered where these notes would end up for most of us. And more importantly, will they result in […]

Lessons from Lunch with Dr. John Maxwell

Since 2008, Dr. John Maxwell has been my mentor, but always from a distance. Even though I have met him on several occasions, I had never had one-on-one time with him. Until now. In this article, I would like to share a few of the lessons I learned from him during our lunch together. Preparing […]

Business Writing: Five Fast Tips to Up Your Game

[blockquote text=’This is a guest post by Andria Bicknell. Andria is a contributing writer and editor for Aspire. She writes about recovering from the effects of perfectionism on her own blog,?Type A Plans B. Andria draws her leadership experience from ministry, business, and home. – Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ line_height=’undefined’ background_color=’#aaaaaa’ border_color=’#dba400′ show_quote_icon=’no’ quote_icon_color=’#dba400′] […]

How To Organize Your Life

As leaders, we are inundated with?appointments, to-do lists, notes to take, deadlines to meet, emergencies that come up, clients to see, and meetings to conduct. If you do not?have systems in place by which to organize yourself, you will quickly become scattered and disorderly. I want to share with you a simple system which helps […]

Aim to Have Disciplines, Not to Be Disciplined

Most of us usually cringe at the idea of being disciplined. We have images of that Cr?me Brulee that we really, really want. But we know we really, really shouldn?t. Despite the mounting guilt, we order it and eat it anyway. And we tell ourselves, ?I wish I were more disciplined.? There is a better […]

A Leadership Challenge to High School Students

Last Friday I was honored to speak to high school students at the Nazarene Christian Academy (NCA) in Crowley, Texas at their career and college day. The NCA is a well-led organization (church and K-12 school) that is a shining light in our community.?As I reflect on my interaction with the students, I wanted to […]