Dare to Write Down Big Dreams

Big dreams?even seemingly impossible dreams?can come to pass for you and those you lead. And here’s how… On December 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Together with the other daring signatories, this statement was boldly endorsed: ?We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are […]

Why Everyone Should Be A Better Leader: Three Core Qualities of Life and Leadership

Since 2008, I have proactively studied and practiced leadership. Sometimes I experience success, and other times failure. Regardless, these years have undoubtedly been a most exciting and harrowing period of my life working with people I care about in order to go great places. On this journey, periodically the question arises: Is becoming a better leader […]

Do You Enlarge Others?

Great leaders see greatness in the people around them! ?They seize every opportunity to enlarge others. Leaders should be preoccupied with the thought: What can I say or do to make this person bigger? Bigger. What do I mean by aiming to make people?bigger? I mean, always asking what I can contribute to this person […]

4 Reasons Why Leaders Should Write

Leadership is a mission of the heart. It is a love story between a leader, her people, and a dream. Moreover, leadership is a journey of discovery. Self-discovery first and foremost. And second, a discovery of human nature and its intricate facets and shades. Leadership requires dedication to create a dream, convey a vision, simplify […]

Passion: Why Is It Important to Your Leadership?

Passion is one of those amorphous qualities that is hard to pin down and define. You definitely know it when you see it. But really, what is passion? And why is it important for us to have as we lead our lives and lead others forward? Passion: What is it? Passion is intensity, conviction, hunger, […]

Leadership in a Nutshell: Four Fundamentals

At the heart of an effective leadership model, you will find four key components. If you excel at each of them, you will succeed. It’s that simple. Allow me to give them to you and challenge you to ask yourself today how you are doing on each.  The Leader: Focus on Personal Growth The leader […]

What Message Do You Carry That Could Impact Your World?

If you long to positively impact your world?specifically the people in your life?but you feel helpless and insignificant to do so, then this post is for you. I had never heard of Lizzie Velasquez until recently. Now at 24 years old, Lizzie has a rare medical condition that has only been identified in two other […]

A Sure Way to Raise Your Team’s Morale

Is your team spirit lethargic?? As leaders we go through seasons where the morale of our team seems dangerously low. What can you do to raise your team’s morale? While many things can and should be done, one supersedes them all: Stop and review the size of your dream. Daniel Burham says, ?Make no little […]

Focus On What (not How)

Don?t limit your dreams to things you know how to get to!? The ?how? will reveal itself, when you can clearly answer, “What do I want get to?” ? The clearer you see the ?what,? the faster the ?how? will come! I recently listened to an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger by Piers Morgan on CNN.? […]