Running the Race as Leaders

[blockquote text=’This is a guest post by Stephanie LeBlanc. Stephanie is the practice administrator at TotalCare Hulen in Fort Worth, Texas. She also holds other leadership positions including president of her accounting firm, as well as Project Connect Texas, a non-profit organization she founded to serve the Dallas/Fort Worth community. – Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ […]

When Someone Drops the Ball

?What should you do when someone you lead drops the ball? Nothing. While many leaders may get upset, inwardly or outwardly, I ascribe to a different philosophy. Let me share with you what I think we should as leaders when people let us down. If you are in leadership, you are bound to encounter this […]

A Sign You May Be Lacking Courage in Your Leadership

[blockquote text=’This is a guest post by Andria Bicknell. Andria is a contributing writer and editor for Aspire. She writes about recovering from the effects of perfectionism on her own blog,?Type A Plans B. Andria draws her leadership experience from ministry, business, and home. – Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ line_height=’undefined’ background_color=’#aaaaaa’ border_color=’#dba400′ show_quote_icon=’no’ quote_icon_color=’#dba400′] […]

Values of a Great Team: LOVE?

In my last article I described one of the core values of a great team: fun. Having fun with each other and with our customers makes a tremendous impact on our culture as well as the level of customer service we offer. Today, I will discuss the next value in this series:?Love. Love is an […]

Values of a Great Team: FUN

Recently, a sales rep brought a jar of grapes as a gift of appreciation for our clinic staff. At the end of the day, we had a great time tossing grapes like softballs for others to catch by mouth. We laughed, got moving, and simply had a good time. Yes, I work in a medical […]

Always Growing; Always Giving

As leaders, we carry a heavy responsibility to forge a path in life for ourselves and for those who make the journey with us. And we can lose our bearing if we are not careful. In all our efforts, life can quickly become about getting, about doing, and about achieving. But the best of us […]

How to Handle a Bad Google Review

Our clinic recently received a terrible review on Google. I had just gotten settled on a plane, when I opened Google to check our reviews, and there it was. I instinctively took a cue from an experience I had with Amazon in the past. I took the complaint seriously and addressed it swiftly, without excuses. […]

What Spilled Coffee Taught Us About Teamwork

Krystal is one of the newest members of our nursing team. She loves coffee. I mean, she really loves coffee. It makes her smile, jump, and just be happy. A few weeks ago, she was walking into the clinic holding her Venti Mocha with whipped cream. She had decided to not even take a sip […]

How to Say Anything Honestly, But Gently

One mark of a seasoned leader is gentleness. A gentle leader demonstrates he has learned how to communicate exactly what needs to be said, even harsh truths, with kindness. ?These leaders practice one of the most important lessons of leadership, as expressed by President Lincoln: [blockquote text=’The strongest force on earth is gentleness. – Abraham […]

Adopt This Habit For Success

We all want to succeed?whether in business or in school; leading our organizations; developing our spiritual lives; strengthening our relationships with our spouses, kids, or friends; thriving in our personal growth and development; making more money; or simply making a difference. There is one secret to guarantee your success. It is boring and dull, but […]