[blockquote text=’POWER BOOK is an Aspire blog that features a life changing book.? Amanda Scott, an Aspire managing partner, has extensive leadership experience and in this blog features The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell. Thank you for sharing, Amanda!
– Wes Saade, M.D.’ text_color=’#ffffff’ width=’95’ line_height=’undefined’ background_color=’#aaaaaa’ border_color=’#dba400′ show_quote_icon=’no’ quote_icon_color=’#dba400′]
Have you ever read such an empowering book that the more you read, the more excited you became? ?That?s the overwhelming joy I got from reading John Maxwell?s, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.
This is the third John Maxwell book I have read over the last few months since I started my new journey of growth, and I must say it is a keeper, a re-reader and a guide to use as I continue down my path of growth and leadership.
There was one word that stuck with me throughout the entire book; it was the first word I read in the introduction, and that word was: POTENTIAL.
POTENTIAL ? Having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future.
That is the standard definition.? However, there is so much more depth to that word that I never knew existed before.
Potential, as defined by John Maxwell, looks forward with optimism. ?It is filled with hope; it promises success; it implies fulfillment; it hints at greatness; and it is based on possibilities.
The opening paragraph of the book taught me so much about myself that I heard bells going off in my head.? Until now, I have lived my life for my own successes. Previously, when I worked in big corporations I did care for my employees. ?However, now I see that I cared for them for the wrong reason. ?I cared for them mainly for my own success.
Looking back, I know deep down that in my heart, I wanted to take care of my employees and knew it was the right thing to do.? However in my head, I wanted power and money. ?I knew if I created great employees, I would be looked upon as a super star! ?I was a great leader in my world because I was producing. ?But I see now that was so far from the truth.
I was playing the devil?s advocate role with myself. ?I wanted to take care of these employees, but I was rough on the surface. ?I was not in a growth mode at that time of my life. ?I needed to be successful, look good and make good money. ?I had the want and desire to be a great leader tucked under all of that, but how did I do away with selfishness on the surface? ?I was more focused on self-success rather than group success.
I realize now that I wasn?t a bad a person. ?I was just a person lacking knowledge, growth and my full potential. ?I have learned one of the biggest lessons of my life, and now I care for people because it is the right thing to do.
This is why the word potential grabbed me and never let go as I read The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.
So the questions are:
How do you reach your potential?
And how do you tap into your unused potential?
John Maxwell hits the nail on the head. ?The answer is GROWTH!
Without continuous growth you will never tap into your full potential, and without tapping into your full potential you are not growing. ?Simply put by John, unfulfilled potential is as negative as the word potential is positive.
As I close you can see I haven?t given you any details of this book beyond the introduction as I usually do. ?It is simply not needed.? The introduction itself speaks volumes.
I feel that if you are someone that wants to grow or is already on a growth journey, you will want to fulfill your potential and be the best that you can be.? My hope is this has left you wanting more and jump-started your desire within.
Pick up a copy of John Maxwell?s, The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth.? Read it and tap into your full potential!
Amanda Scott
Aspire, Managing Partner
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