I spend several hours in my home office each week to think, read, and write. In addition to the weekly leadership blog post and podcast, I would like to connect with you on a more personal level to share books, stories, quotes and principles that have recently impacted me. I hope it will encourage you on your journey of growth and discovery – Wes Saade, M.D.
Welcome to my office! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week!
Mine was good. With the weather changing, I am seeing more patients in our clinics with colds and sniffles (and a few strep throats). I hope you are staying well. And I hope you are investing in yourself and growing daily. In this week’s leadership blog, I share the books I read: 20 Tips for Power Chicks and Discover Your Sweet Spot.
Books I Read this Week
20 Tips for Power Chicks by Sarah Zink
Sarah is a remarkable lady whom I met for the first time in person today at Starbucks here in Burleson. She is a passionate person who co-founded a wonderful organization called Plaid For Women which aims to empower women to reach their potential.
A radio show host, speaker, and entrepreneur, Sarah gives practical advice in this book to women so they can embrace their uniqueness and unashamedly strive for the stars. Having worked with many women leaders, I am a proponent of anyone who aims to uplift women.
Her book is 91 pages and is easy to read and comprehend. Sarah has agreed to appear on the Aspire podcast in the near future.
Discover Your Sweet Spot by Scott M. Fay (Foreword by John C. Maxwell)
I met Scott Fay at a conference in New York in 2009. We had an instant connection and since then I have followed his growth as a person and leader. Scott is truly passionate about about people. I was happy to learn recently that he just published his first book.
A successful entrepreneur, Scott built one of the most successful landscaping companies in Florida from the ground up, and without much start-up capital, by practicing servant leadership. I always value Scott’s teachings (in person and through this wonderful book) more than other teachers because I know he understands the reality and the difficulty of building and running a small business.
His book addresses a very important topic of success – how to discover and stay in your “sweet spot.” This book is 126 pages and is written in an easy to read language.
I look forward to interviewing Scott on the Aspire podcast in the near future.
Quotes that Impacted Me
Most people will lose more to indecision than they will to a bad decision. – Andrew Carnegie
I am counting my days so I can make my days count. – John Maxwell
Every vision tests the mettle of every leader. – Bill Hybels
The good cannot begin until the bad ends. – Dr. Henry Cloud
Great is the art of the beginning, but greater is the art of ending. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Vision is the most potent offensive weapon in the leader’s arsenal. – Bill Hybels
Stories that Touched Me
President Theodore Roosevelt once chased some bandits down a frozen river, captured them, and then found himself (and them) trapped on the frozen river for eight days. Being a forward-thinking man, he’d brought along Matthew Arnold’s poems and Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina.
In the course of being stuck, he not only managed to keep watch on his prisoners, but read both books completely, and even wrote a letter to his sister reviewing the book…ALL WHILE STUCK ON A FROZEN RIVER WITH THREE DANGEROUS BANDITS WITH NO FOOD BUT DRY FLOUR. Source: The Oncoming Hope
I love this story.
Let’s all stay committed to reading.
Lead with passion, live with gusto!
Your Friend,