I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs. Sign up to receive my leadership articles and videos every weekday.

The Moments We Must Stand Alone

We walk through life with the people we love. We bring them along. They uphold us when we are weak. They carry us when we can?t go on anymore. They are there with us. Except in the moments we must stand alone. In these moments of truth, do we have the courage to stand on […]

10 Point Leadership Diagnostic Tool

When patients come into my clinic with a medical complaint, I go through a mental checklist to diagnose their condition and provide treatment. If a 55-year-old male, who is a smoker with high blood pressure and diabetes, comes in with a complaint of chest pain, I first rule out a heart condition, then lung disease, […]

10 Secrets to Help You Start a Blog

Why should you start writing? Sometimes in life you have transcendent moments. Moments of clarity, of levity, and of beauty. And then you reach a tipping point. Your heart becomes full, and you suddenly yearn to share it with others. The principles of personal growth and leadership that I discovered years ago, and those I […]

4 Reasons Why Leaders Should Write

Leadership is a mission of the heart. It is a love story between a leader, her people, and a dream. Moreover, leadership is a journey of discovery. Self-discovery first and foremost. And second, a discovery of human nature and its intricate facets and shades. Leadership requires dedication to create a dream, convey a vision, simplify […]

The Keys to Hiring the Best

Leaders want to have powerful teams. Most of us recognize that having strong teams begins by hiring the very best. Over the last eight years, I have been involved at one level or another in the hiring, firing, training and leading of over 200 people. If I were to strip down what I’ve learned about […]

Deciding When the Choice Is Unclear

Let’s have a conversation today about making tough decisions. Whether leading others or leading ourselves, making the right decision determines our level of success. Stripped down to the basics, there are two types of decisions. As leaders we must know the difference between the two. By having this understanding, we will be able to avoid […]

A List of My Current Mentors

In the last blog post, I discussed seven principles to apply when establishing a relationship with a mentor. To bring this to a practical dimension, I want to share with you in this article who my current mentors are. I will not mention specific names to respect their privacy, but I will let you know […]

Do You Really Need Mentors?

One of the best ways to grow is to be mentored by someone who has traveled further than you in a particular area of life. ?Until five years ago, I had never had a?mentor. No one had shared with me the value of having them or how to go about managing those relationships. I had […]

How To Navigate Doing Business with Family and Friends

Many will tell you not to do it. We are told that doing business with those very close to us can spell disaster for personal relationships if things go wrong. But isn’t there a way?navigate these relationship without the drama and trauma? Here are five principles I?ve found to be effective when working with people […]

When Your People Don’t Do What They Should

Some of the hardest times I have ever faced as a leader were those when someone on my team was not doing what they should. If you are like me, inevitably you will have at least one person on your team who is in this camp, and sometimes more. And so we ask ourselves, “What […]

How Daring Have You Been?

At the end of June of this year, during my 2014 mid-year self-review, I uncovered something interesting. I had listed every activity, decision, or notable occurrence that had happened in the last six months. I listed people I met with, mentors I talked to, trips I took, and activities at work, among others. There were […]

The Chapters of Life

Shortly after the end of the Civil War, the highly regarded commander of the defeated Confederacy, Robert E. Lee, was visiting a Kentucky woman at her estate. She commented on a beautiful old tree that was dying due to the Union?s bombardment. She asked the General what she should do with this ailing tree, alluding […]
I mentor Christian leaders and entrepreneurs.
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