If you follow my writing, chances are you are a follower and disciple of Christ (no problem if you are not). Likely, you are a Christian leader, one who leads in a different capacity (whether at home, a CEO, or a pastor). Likely, you are a church member.
Here is a challenge for you as a member of a church, something I have been convicted of when I read this verse.
In Galatians 6:2, Paul says that we must “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Could you say you even know the burdens of your church members?
On the contrary, many times, our churches have become a place where relationships are shallow, often residing at an acquaintance level.
To bear my fellow Christian’s burdens, I have to have a relationship deep enough, intentional enough, to know what their burdens are.
Pray with me, that God will give us the wisdom to slow down and know how to be obedient in this area.
By the way, what is the law of Christ? It is to love others. Jesus clearly said that the first commandment is to love God, and the second is to love others. Not many things would showcase my love for others more than bearing their burdens.
Blessings to your day,