About Dr. Wes Saade

Dr. Wes Saade is the co-founder and managing partner of TotalCare, specializing in medical services. Over 700 employees globally operate:

- Five TotalCare medical clinics, including one in Lebanon
- One behavioral health clinic
- Nine 24/7 ERs
- Medical mission facilities in Kenya and Mauritania

Fusing his medical training, leadership study and experience, together with his Christian faith, Dr. Wes mentors Christian leaders and entrepreneurs on personal growth and organizational leadership. His passions are evidenced by the range of boards he sits on and works with including Hope Literacy, Christian Alliance Institute of Theology, Chairman of the Board at Buckner International, and president of Dallas/Fort Worth chapter of health outreach to the Middle East.

Other places you will find Dr. Wes:

- www.wesmd.com where he has written over 500 leadership articles
- Author of two books: 40 Treasures from Forty Years of Wisdom and Healthy Leadership
- Medical missions trips to Egypt, Mauritania, Kenya, and Lebanon
- Speaker on leadership topics for organizations and events
- Chairman of the Deacons at his local church