What Memories Are You Making with Your People?

I recently attended a surprise goodbye party for a young lady who worked with our company for about 12 years, who was resigning. Around 20 people gathered, with a lovely spread of food, we each took turns sharing different stories we remembered with that young lady. The room was filled with laughter and tears. In that moment, we were a family remembering the good ole days. The team recalled many of the silly and real human moments in our history together. 

One of the saddest things in life is when there are no memories to be recalled between people who are close to each other.

What memories are you making with your people? In that room one day, a couple of the people recalled times when we would take my Jeep that I owned back then. During work breaks, when there was a lull between patient care, we would hop in and go grab ice cream. Another time, I brought my ukulele and we sang silly songs. 

Beautiful memories bring us together and make us more united. The Bible says, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Psalm 133:1, ESV) 

Great leaders create memories and bring unity. 

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