As leaders, we are wired to accomplish, to build the team, improve the culture, break the barriers, increase the followers, increase the bottom line, innovate, create, and conquer the future. But none of these may be our greatest accomplishment.
I want my greatest accomplishment to be how I treat people. How I think of people. How I rise above the pain, above the emotions, above the failures, above the dying dreams, above the disappointments, above being merely tolerated.
Let this be your greatest accomplishment.
Why? Because life is short. Because everything on earth will end. Because people are eternal. Because people are made in the image of God. Because we follow Christ. Because it is simply the right thing to do.
How? Just honor people. Love people. Value people. Be patient with people. Honor people even when you can’t explain their behavior. Love people more than your successes. Value people more than material things. How? This is hard work, character work, deep work. Yes, this is the most beautiful work we can do. It is what Jesus did. He put people so high, He gave his life for them. We are His followers. He made people His biggest accomplishment.
May we make them ours as well.
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